Where you have obtained a court order for possession against your tenant(s) using the accelerated possession procedure and they have failed to vacate the property by the time stipulated in the order, you can use this pack to apply to the court bailiff to remove the tenant(s) from your property and to regain possession. The pack contains the court forms and letters required to follow the court procedure.
Begin the process by completing the document 'Form N325 - Request for warrant of possession of land' and sending it to the court using its associated covering letter 'Covering letter for form N325 (application for warrant of possession)'. During the course of the court procedure you will need to send the 'Letter to bailiffs enclosing completed forms'.
Pack documents:
This product is suitable for use in: England Wales
This document is available as part of our Business law plan
To use this document, you will need to have obtained an order for possession of the property and the time for the tenant to vacate must have expired or the tenant must have breached the terms of a suspended possession order. You must have also completed Form N325 - Request for warrant of possession of land.
It can also be used to instruct the court bailiff to recover any money owed by tenants. Once completed, this form must be sent to the relevant court together with the appropriate court fee to be issued.
The questionnaire will confirm the bailiffs' appointment to attend the property to evict the tenant.
Note: if using this document in relation to a property in Wales, you must have started your possession claim before 1 December 2022.
Most documents take about 15 - 45 minutes
You can try the service out beforehand, and can save your progress at any time and come back to the document later.
Your document will be reviewed by our legal experts, and you can call us at any time
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