Once you've carried out The 5-step approach to risk assessments and taken actions to remove the risks, you should then ensure that you maintain a safe working environment.
You must keep the workplace and its related equipment, devices and systems clean, safe and in good condition. Ensure that defects are immediately repaired to protect those at risk.
Regularly inspect equipment and devices and maintain them when required. Keep records of maintenance programmes. The age and condition of the equipment and device and how frequently they're used will help determine how often to monitor them.
You can also get help from its manufacturer, and British and EC quality standards. If you ask a third party such as a health and safety consultant to help, then you must ensure they're competent.
You'll need to ensure the workplace is safe. This includes making sure you provide the workforce with good everyday working conditions (Maintaining the workplace), e.g. comfortable temperature, efficient lighting, etc. If your workforce does activities that involve potential risks, you should also provide Personal protective equipment.