All personal documents
- Codicil appointing a guardian
- Codicil appointing a substitute executor
- Codicil appointing a substitute guardian
- Codicil appointing substitute executor
- Codicil appointing substitute executor on death of executor
- Codicil making a gift to a new beneficiary
- Codicil making an additional gift to an existing beneficiary
- Codicil replacing a guardian
- Codicil replacing a substitute guardian
- Codicil revoking a gift to a named beneficiary
- Codicil revoking gift to one and giving to another
- Codicil revoking or changing choice of executor
- Demand a refund for goods purchased with a credit card
- Letter requesting refund for goods not properly repaired
- Reject a seller's denial of responsibility for faulty goods
- Request a refund for goods not delivered on time
- Request a refund for goods not fit for their purpose
- Request a refund for goods not matching their description
- Request a refund, replacement or repair for faulty goods
- Request compensation for damage caused by faulty goods
- Complaint about delays in building work
- Demand original builder pay costs of new builder
- Demand original builder to pay costs of new builder to complete work
- Letter enclosing estimates to complete building work
- Letter enclosing estimates to fix faulty building works
- Letter terminating contract for incomplete building work
- Rejection of a builder's bill which exceeds initial estimate/quotation
- Request access on neighbour's land for building/maintenance work
- Request faulty building work to be fixed
- Small-scale building contract
- Agreement for the sale of a motor vehicle
- Complaint about damage to vehicle during service and repair work
- Complaint about substandard vehicle servicing
- Demand a refund from a car dealer for a faulty vehicle
- Demand compensation from a careless driver
- Disagreement about a motor vehicle service charge
- Letter to a car dealer requesting repair of a faulty car
- Refuse a car dealer's denial of liability
- Complaint to a neighbour about damage caused by tree roots
- Complaint to local authority officer about noisy neighbours
- Inform neighbour of intent to trim an overhanging tree or plant
- Letter to object to planning permission for neighbour's extension
- Request a neighbour to cut back a tree or plant blocking light
- Request an individual to stop trespassing on your property
- Comprehensive Will for a married person or civil partner
- Comprehensive Will for a married person or civil partner (pair)
- Comprehensive Will for an unmarried person
- Comprehensive Will for an unmarried person (Scotland)
- Comprehensive Will for an unmarried person (Scotland) (pair)
- Comprehensive Will for an unmarried person (pair)
- Comprehensive Will for married person or civil partner (Scotland)
- Comprehensive Will for married person or civil partner (Scotland) (pair)
- Digital assets log
- Funeral wishes form
- Mirror Wills for married couples or civil partners