The dealer will usually arrange for the vehicle to be registered for you.
You should tell the DVLA using the appropriate section of the registration document or certificate. Depending on the vehicle, the seller will have the 2-part or 3-part registration document (V5 or V5NI) or the registration certificate (V5C or V5CNI). The parts are separated at the time of sale.
1. The seller must give you the top half of the registration document when you buy the vehicle
2. Tell the DVLA by completing the back of the registration document as soon as you buy the vehicle
1. The seller must complete 'Your details' in the top section
2. You and the seller must sign the declaration
3. The seller must send it to the DVLA in Swansea
4. The seller should give you the completed V5/2 or V5/2NI section
5. You must tell the DVLA in Swansea as soon as the vehicle changes owner
1. The seller must complete section 6
2. You and the seller must sign the declaration in section 8
3. The seller must send it to the DVLA in Swansea
4. The seller should then give you the completed V5C/2 or V5C/2NI section
5. You must tell the DVLA in Swansea as soon as the vehicle changes owner
If you bought the vehicle without the registration document or certificate, you should apply to the DVLA in Swansea for one (Replacing a registration document).
When you buy a used vehicle, the vehicle tax is no longer transferred with the vehicle. You will have to get the vehicle taxed before you can drive it (Taxing a vehicle).